The Isle of Wight and the lost trousers

A catalogue of disasters on a simple weekend break and a symphony of “lost”….from lost trousers (while I was wearing them), lost reservations, lost the car, parking fines, lost camera battery, and obviously Maria got lost in Canary Wharf which is what kicked it all off….

St. Petersburg: the scale of magnifiscence

The sheer scale of the magnificence is mesmerising, and as in a long weekend, taking it all in is near impossible, with Russian efficiency, the tour guides have you jogging to keep up. We are still in recovery three years later.

Oman – the airport

Maria’s view: I couldn’t believe that the time had come and my excitement was duplicated , one, because I was going to visit a completely unknown country for me (Oman) and two, because for the first time in my life , and probably the last, I was going to fly in B-U-S-I-N-E-S-S C-L-A-S-S, Alex, myContinue reading “Oman – the airport”

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